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Get Organized

Buried under sources and data? Academic Writer will help clear the clutter.

Unfortunately, having to stop and find the appropriate reference and create properly formatted references and in-text citations can slow down the writing process.

Academic Writer’s Reference Center brings order to chaos. You can tap into features such as:

Reference Tagging: This feature helps you organize references, making them easier to find when paper writing starts.

Notes: Add searchable comments or reminders to yourself for any reference.

Create Annotated Bibliography: Using your tags, notes, and more, simply search the Reference Center to find the references you want. From there, you can carry those references quickly and easily into a correctly formatted annotated bibliography.

All the data you need is at your fingertips.

With Academic Writer’s organizational tools, references and in-text citations are ready to be plugged in where and when needed as the paper takes shape.

The Reference Center offers multiple ways to add sources to your account and papers. Both new and experienced researchers can use the Reference Center’s templates for proper APA Style formatting of references. You can also manage your reference library by importing and exporting references in common formats.