Ambassador Program

Academic Writer is transforming the way students write.

Editing, formatting, AND writing your paper before 11:59 pm on Friday is STRESSFUL šŸ˜¬. Academic Writer is the perfect tool for students to write better papers and get them done on timeā€”no more points off for late submission. It helps you add and cite references easily, checks your paper for mistakes, and guides you with tools from APA Style experts. Academic Writer helps you become a more confident writer.

Our Ambassador program is designed to share this information on social media with those who need us most: college students like you!

About Academic Writer

Ambassador Program


Full-time undergraduate student

Current GPA of 3.0+

Involved on your college campus (any clubs?)

Able to receive and store products to pass out on campus

Program Perks

Free Membership

Free Swag

Featured on APA & AW Social Networks

Discount Code to Share

See If You Qualify


Updated resume (including major, minor, and year)

Proof of campus involvement

Social media username (TikTok and Instagram)

Updated screenshots of your insights on each platform including target audience

Sound like you?

Join Us Today!

Help us spread the word about our product. Together we can help make studentsā€™ lives easier and build their confidence in writing.